Spider Slope Mower
Dam Wall
DAM WALL DEMONSTRATIONGrass covered Dam Walls require good maintenance to prevent erosion and deterioration. However, the long slope poses a potentially serious roll-over hazard to tractors and ride-on-mowers. Photographs for illustration purposes - standard specifications may not match those shown. This dam wall in the Clarence Valley, NSW was suffering from rutting from ride-on mowers used to cut the slope. Regular mowing of such slopes keeps weeds under control, and promoting grass growth. However, rutting and wheel damage significantly increases potential for erosion. This dam wall was a 60 metre slope. |
The light weight four wheel drive Spider Mower causes minimal disturbance to the ground. This is a critical benefit in light growth slopes such as these. Regular mowing encourages healthy regrowth which better stabilises the slope from erosion.
The wireless operating range is 50 metres, but the important element of machine control is good visibility of the machine direction and situation.
Another typical grassed dam wall application.
Please Note: Photographed slopes appear less inclined than in real life. The typical SLR camera, whether digital or film, significantly reduces the apparent slope in a photograph. To assess how these working shots compare to your applications, take a series of photographs of the areas that you need cut and compare.
BROCHUREClick this link to download a brochure.Please note that Australian specifications may vary to those shown on the manufacturer's brochure and website. Follow this link to the manufacturer's website (Spider) |
Disclaimer: Specifications and features described on the website are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to present accurate information, however, the company is not liable for unintended errors or omissions. |